There is one weather hotline number for the entire district, with menu options for specific geographic areas of the District. On bad weather days, the weather lines will be updated by 5:00 a.m.
You can book mark for easy access to the most current and accurate schedule information for the school. Weather related schedule changes will be posted to the District website by 5:00 a.m.
Schedule changes by geographic areas will be reported on local television and radio stations. Only exceptions to normal schedules will be announced. If our area is not mentioned, our school is operating on a regular schedule. Media announcements will begin on the 5:00 a.m. news broadcasts.
On a delayed schedule, school will start 90 minutes later than the normal start time. However, all staff will need to be at the school on time.
- The weather hotline number: 303-387-SNOW (7669)
- The District Internet address:
- Area designation: Challenge to Excellence is in the Chaparral Feeder Area
- Text Alerts: (NEW!) please go to Channel 7 or Channel 4 to sign up to receive text alerts on school closings/delays!!
- Twitter: Although not a guarantee, DCSD utilizes Twitter much like Challenge to Excellence Charter School to keep families up to date. Click the button to join and begin receiving important updates from both C2E and DCSD including weather, lightning dismissal, nutrition services information, and much more!
How to follow via SMS/text message:
Send a text with the words Follow c2eschool in an SMS (text message) to 40404 to start following someone from your mobile phone.
You will receive a confirmation text letting you know you are now following that account.
Thank You, Mammoth March Sponsors!
/in AnnouncementsHUGE thanks to our Mammoth March Sponsors! Each year, the generosity of our event sponsors makes it possible for us to provide special Mammoth March t-shirts, for our students and staff. Without their support, this cherished tradition wouldn’t be possible. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you for being a part of the C2E […]
No School Friday, September 20, 2024
/in AnnouncementsNo school for students on Friday, September 20th due to a staff development day.